With a focus on nutrition, this lifestyle challenge will incorporate not only nutrition guidance & habit building, but also includes fitness, sleep, water intake, and more (see below for how points will be earned!).
We will be splitting the challenge participants into 3 groups to add additional accountability with fun & prizes along the way!
If you are ready to dial in your overall health and be held accountable to your goals, this is the perfect challenge for you.
The challenge officially starts on Saturday, March 29th and goes through Tuesday, May 27th.
There will be 4 in-person meetings throughout the challenge (attendance not required to participate in challenge, but highly encouraged!) that will be heavily focused on nutrition and sustainability. Tentative dates: March 22, April 12, April 26, May 10.
We will be dividing participants up into teams by class times! You can choose the class time that you frequent most (***team groups may be subject to change based on participation***). If you are not a current Remedy member, we will assign you a team!
- Team 1: AM’ers (5:30am, 8am, 9:30am)
- Team 2: Nooners (12pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm)
- Team 3: PM’ers (4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm)
Criteria based on before & after photos, and InBody and/or measurements
Two winners: Best male & best female transformation
Prize: Two (2) month FREE Unlimited Membership for each male and female best transformation winner
The top 3 individuals with most points throughout the challenge:
1st place: One (1) month FREE Unlimited membership + 1st Phorm protein of choice
2nd place: One (1) focused PT session (example: a 60-90 minute gymnastics or weightlifting focused session) + 1st Phorm protein of choice
3rd place: 1st Phorm bundle: Protein of your choice + creatine + BCCAs
We will be doing giveaways every 2 weeks throughout the 60-day challenge.
Every 2 weeks throughout the challenge, a name will be drawn to win a prize from the team that has the highest average points from the previous 2 week time period.
Join Coach Josh & Coach Lilly on Saturday, March 22nd at 10:00am for a pre-challenge kick-off meeting!
The focus of this meeting is to discuss the intent of the challenge (tools to create success throughout the challenge and afterwards), systems to track your progress and earn points, setting up accountability and more challenge details/specifics.
Bring a friend to the meeting to join with you -- this challenge is open to the public!
You can earn up to 1 point for each item below each day:
Nutrition: Earn points for tracking your food. When you sign up, you will be provided information as to what we encourage you to follow when it comes to improving body composition and health through nutrition. You are welcome to follow any “diet” you choose, the only requirement is that during the first 30 days of the challenge, you track your food (one point per day), and in the 2nd 30 days we are challenging you to hit your protein minimum (one point per day).
Sleep: We are challenging you to prioritize your sleep and get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night (1 point per day for minimum 7 hrs sleep)
Workouts: This should be an easy one right?! One point per day when you workout for 60 minutes or more -- just join a Remedy class :)
Steps: Hit 8,000 steps per day and/or spend a minimum of 20 minutes outside or on gym cardio equipment (bike/row) per day. Stay accountable by getting a friend to do this with you!
Alcohol: We are challenging participants to limit their alcohol during the 60 days. You get one point per day that you don’t consume alcohol.
Productive Writing/Reading: Spend 10 minutes a day doing productive reading or writing. Reading can be any book you enjoy. Writing can be anything non-work related.
Water Intake: Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water/day.
Screens: Avoid screens for the last 30 consecutive minutes of each day.
Saturday Team Workout: Attend a Saturday partner workout (grab another challenge buddy and make it happen!)
Attend challenge meetings: For each of the 3 optional meetings throughout the challenge, earn 1 point for each one you attend.