Keep Calm and Stay Healthy.

Our team at Remedy Athletics consists of fitness and nutrition coaches with strong backgrounds in healthcare and public health services.
Remedy Athletics
March 14, 2020
Keep Calm and Stay Healthy.

Our team at Remedy Athletics consists of fitness and nutrition coaches with strong backgrounds in healthcare and public health services.

They include, registered nurses, doctors, EMTs, certified nutrition coaches and more!

We are taking the current situation very seriously, but also want to provide professional yet practical guidance. We take a holistic approach to fitness, and we believe that these are some of the best practices to staying fit and healthy, even during times of unrest:

*Eat clean, whole foods: Stock up on frozen vegetables and berries, frozen avocado, and frozen meats. Only stock up on toilet paper if you really need it 😉

*Stay active: If being active is a part of your routine, continue to do so while giving diligence to hygiene and sanitation practices. Putting an abrupt stop to your physical activities is one of the worst things you can do for your overall health. Whether that's going to the gym, going on a hike, jog, etc. Maintaining an active lifestyle is a potent weapon in the fight for disease prevention.

*Drink plenty of water: Work on getting up to 80oz of water per day!

*Take a Vitamin D supplement: We don't get nearly enough Vitamin D here in the PNW, so if you aren't already, start taking a Vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D not only aids in immune system regulation, but it is vital to brain function, cardiovascular health and SO much more.

*Take an Omega 3 supplement: Our bodies cannot make this vital fatty acid, so it is important that we consume it via supplement or by food sources (flax seed, fish, spinach, walnuts, etc.) Omega 3 aids in heart and brain health, decreases inflammation, and loads of other benefits.

*Finds ways to DE-STRESS: Our lives are inundated with information that can put us under a load of stress. Use breathing practices, meditation, and/or prayer to gain perspective and put your mind at ease. Maintaining a positive mindset is vital in immune function and overall health.

We're here for you. 👊🏻

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