What progress looks like....

In the absence of these crucial components, we may end up building a shack, which risks being blown away by even the slightest breeze...
Remedy Athletics
June 9, 2021
What progress looks like....

During our quest to reach our weight loss and/or performance goals, it’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life, operating on automatic, focusing only on the glaringly obvious markers that we feel are proof that we’re making progress. Just like renovating a house, when looking to make changes to our bodies, we require plans. Solid foundations must be built and achieved along the way, and these plans must be completed in stages before we can reach completion of the project. In the absence of these crucial components, we may end up building a shack, which risks being blown away by even the slightest breeze, instead building a rock solid building, prepared to withstand even the harshest winds & storms.

Life is an adventure. It’s a journey full of love, laughs, opportunities and growth experiences. Progress is not just the number you see on the scale, it’s also creating and changing parts of you for the better. It’s healing broken pieces inside you, gaining strength and growing as person. It’s learning to live authentically and be true to who you are. Without these core components met, no number on the scale will ever fulfil the longing we as humans all have for happiness.

As Remedy Nutrition Coaches, we help our clients realize the importance that while you push forward towards your goals, whatever they may be, you learn along the way to celebrate and appreciate that progress comes in more ways than one. We want you to acknowledge all your achievements and growth along the way, to gain a greater appreciation for yourself and your journey, and bring awareness to the reality that your life is already so rich and your inner world is a very bright and warm place.

Below are just some examples of how you may be progressing without recognition:

Progress is:

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